Meet Ava.
Hey there! My name is Ava Firmani and I can’t wait to share my growth as an individual who has grown up with the struggles of reverse slope hearing loss. I’m extremely honored to share my story about who I am in hopes of providing hope and light for the next person.
The Beginning Of New Difficulties
At the ripe age of 7 as a first grader, I was diagnosed with reverse slope hearing loss, (a pretty awkward stage to be told I have a hearing impairment right?). I’m learning how to read, write, add stronger vocab in my speaking, and re-learn how to hear. I’ve always been a happy, go-lucky kid so none of this phased me. However, I was dealing with struggles I wasn’t quite aware of because I didn’t believe they were worthy to be acknowledged or recognized by others.
The Sea of Storms
What people don’t understand about struggling with hearing loss is that yes, it is pretty cool and tech-savvy that I can connect my hearing aids to my phone, acting as if they're air pods and yes, I can also tune people out whenever I want by turning them down or up. However, the difficulties behind these perks are still my reality. I’ve dealt with people who get frustrated with me for not understanding them, not including me in conversation because they refuse to repeat themselves or getting singled out because they assume I can’t function like my hearing peers. I most definitely crack jokes about my hearing loss, but at the end of the day, I still struggle—whether it seems like I do or not. Those who belittle me are the same people who have shaped who I am. Because of my hearing loss, I have grown stronger, smarter, and more confident. As I mentioned before, my hearing aids are pretty cool. They’re basically air pods. I get to listen to stream music and watch shows. Not to mention they’re noise canceling so I can enjoy the peace and quiet. Sounds pretty good to me!
A Miracle Within A Struggle
Although there may be many difficulties I have to face, it’s also the most beautiful and exciting aspect of my life! I get to share my experiences about growing up with a hearing impairment and tell people what my hearing aids can do and how I’m able to cope. When I was younger, I was afraid to speak up about my struggles and ask for help when I needed it, I still do! As someone who is in her twenties and has lived two full decades of life, I now take any moment I can to ask for help, ask for people to speak up or repeat when needed and don't take anyone's negativity if they choose not to acknowledge that I have a hearing disability. People have their own problems they’re dealing with and overall may not have complete understanding with other people's struggles but that doesn’t mean I let it get to me, I just allow it to make me stronger and more confident.
The Light In The Midst Of The Darkness
As a twenty-year-old girl, I’m still understanding the ways of this crazy thing called life. I continue to give myself, and others, grace considering we’re all living life for the very first time. There will be moments of difficulty, but also moments of pure serenity. I’ve come a long way as someone who has to deal with a hearing impairment and I believe that it makes me uniquely me which is why I couldn’t be any more grateful than I am right now to have reverse slope hearing loss. God made me this way for a reason, and knew with Him I would be able to handle the struggles that come my way. To my younger self: slow down, take care of yourself, and don’t let the judgment of others get you down—they’re a waste of time to get frustrated over. Be uniquely yourself and if you need to ask the question or statement to be repeated for the 100th time, do it! A little reassurance never hurts anyone (unless they have zero patience).
Thank you so much for taking the time to read about my story, Ava Firmani! Don’t forget to follow me @ava.firmani and @forthedeafgirl on Instagram! We thank you for all of the love and support :)