Meet Kellina

Hi there! My name is Kellina, I am a deaf coach and advocate, a podcast speaker, a best selling author, and a passionate entrepreneur on a mission to help young adults with disabilities achieve their goals while also educating others about the deaf community. When I was 4-years-old, I became profoundly deaf.

Overcoming Hearing Loss to Achieve My Goals.

Despite the challenges of being hard of hearing, I persevered to earn a bachelor's degree in Psychology from York University and a diploma in Mental Health and Addiction. I didn't stop there—I became a life coach and an Amazon best-selling author with my book, "Everyday I Am Just Deaf." The journey wasn't without obstacles; a professor's refusal to accommodate me led to a failed course, a moment of doubt. But, I refused to succumb to self-pity. To those facing struggles in school or life, remember, life has its share of unsupportive individuals. However, don't apologize for who you are or doubt your potential. Let this be your motivation. You have the strength to overcome, and your unique journey is a testament to your resilience.

Starting My Book!

In a world filled with countless stories, it's surprising how few voices from the deaf community have found their way onto the pages of our favorite books. As an entrepreneur, my journey took an unexpected turn when my mentor challenged me to become the author I couldn't find—a deaf voice in the literary landscape. It struck me that, in 2023, a time championing diversity and inclusion, there's a noticeable absence of narratives reflecting the experiences of young adults who are deaf or hard of hearing. I embarked on a quest to fill this void, only to discover a scarcity of stories resonating with our unique journeys. It became clear to me—the need for tales that illuminate our world, stories that not only represent us but make us feel seen and heard. My dream is to craft narratives that light up the lives of young adults like us, providing a mirror to our realities.

Growing up, I looked for characters who shared my experiences, faced similar challenges, and celebrated victories like mine. I realized the gap between the stories I read and the life I lived. Now, as an author, my mission extends beyond words on a page—it's about bridging that gap, creating stories that resonate and make us feel understood.

My journey as a hard-of-hearing individual navigating a predominantly hearing world has been filled with hurdles, triumphs, and misconceptions. Through it all, I've come to appreciate the transformative power of storytelling. Stories are not just narratives; they are windows into different worlds, forging connections and dispelling feelings of isolation.

I vividly recall the profound impact of encountering a character who mirrored my experiences—the sense of recognition and understanding. That captivating feeling is what I aim to share with all of you through my books.

Why Did I Become A Coach?

Becoming a coach wasn't just a professional choice for me; it became a passionate mission. My distinct approach is fueled by a diverse range of experiences, making me well-equipped to guide you on a journey of growth and empowerment; I'm also an international speaker, bestselling author, and dedicated entrepreneur. Yet, what truly ignites my soul is witnessing individuals with disabilities break barriers and unleash their full potential. My unyielding drive stems from the sheer joy of seeing people succeed.

If you're someone ready to embark on a transformative journey, seeking empowerment and guidance, look no further. I invite you to explore my website at Discover the wealth of resources, coaching programs, and inspirational content designed to propel you towards your goals. Let's embark on this journey together, unlocking the extraordinary capabilities within you. Your success story awaits, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Visit the website and let's start your empowering journey today!

What I Would Say To My Younger Self!

If I could reach back to speak to the younger version of myself, here's what I would share:

Firstly, embrace your uniqueness. Your identity as a deaf individual is not a limitation but a source of strength. The hurdles you face will mold you into a resilient, compassionate, and extraordinary person. Own your story, for it is the foundation of the incredible journey you're on.

Secondly, advocate for yourself. Don't be afraid to ask for accommodations, understanding, and support. The world is evolving, and your voice matters. Educate those around you about your needs, and be a catalyst for change.

Remember that setbacks are not failures but stepping stones to growth. The moment a professor failed you due to a lack of accommodation, it wasn't a reflection of your abilities. It was an opportunity to rise stronger, more determined, and prove that your potential knows no bounds.

As you navigate the hearing world, cultivate resilience. Know that obstacles will come, but they are not insurmountable. Each challenge is a chance to demonstrate your capabilities, leaving an indelible mark on the perceptions of those who may doubt you.

Lastly, be the storyteller you sought in your youth. Your experiences, triumphs, and resilience are a beacon for others. Your journey can inspire and pave the way for a more inclusive future. Write your narrative, not just for yourself but for those who will find solace and empowerment in your words. You're on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Keep believing in yourself, for your unique perspective adds invaluable richness to the tapestry of life.

Thank you for reading my blog! Don’t forget to find me on social media! IG: @deafqueenboss or check out my website. If you’re looking for a new read “Everyday I Am Just Deaf” click on the link.


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