Blog & Community

Blog & Community ✦

Our blog exists to connect d/Deaf & Hard of Hearing women with resources designed to help navigate the hearing world, as well as encourage each woman to explore her id/Deaf identity. Here you will find a collection of stories told by women from all ages and lifestyles, from all over the world.

While this space is catered to women with hearing loss, we encourage others to come & learn more about accessibility, hearing loss, & the beautiful, rich culture within the Deaf Community.

Welcome to For The Deaf Girl.

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Help us share more impactful stories with our audience! We believe storytelling is the key to connecting with and encouraging others who may have a similar experience. Interested in writing

Dear Ava, An Open Letter
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Dear Ava, An Open Letter

There have been many highs and lows in my lifetime but, that’s what I believe is the most beautiful aspect of this blessing called life.

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Meet Shannon.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Shannon.

" daughter was born… 2 months earlier than expected. I was launched into motherhood in the NICU with a tender little 3 pound baby."

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Meet Ashley.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Ashley.

"I never truly embraced being Deaf...I [felt like I] wasn’t Deaf enough to be a part of the Deaf world, and I wasn’t hearing enough to be a part of the hearing world."

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Meet Alli.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Alli.

If there’s one thing that I love more than my bird and books, it’s sharing my story in the hopes that I could provide a sense of comfort and relief to someone going through hearing hardships alone. I’m Alli, 29, and profoundly deaf with a cochlear in the left side.

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Meet Ava.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Ava.

Be uniquely yourself and if you need to ask the question or statement to be repeated for the 100th time, do it! A little reassurance never hurts anyone.

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Meet Olivia.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Olivia.

Having that confidence is important because that is when you will realize you can do anything you want to do. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

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Meet Kayla.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Kayla.

Since opening up more about my hearing and finding a new light in my acceptance, I’ve seen a change not only in my demeanor but of others.

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Meet Lindy.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Lindy.

I love my hearing aids! They help me to hear. I do not like the stigma against being deaf/hard of hearing. Rather than hide our hearing aids, let’s celebrate them! Let’s adorn them with hearing aid earrings, let’s tell people we wear them. Let’s be proud to be who we are, with hearing aids!

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Meet Rayan.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Rayan.

Hi there! I’m Rayan, and I’m the proud owner of a pair of ears that came with a lifetime subscription to silence.

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Meet Kellina
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Kellina

Hi there! My name is Kellina, I am a deaf coach and advocate, a podcast speaker, a best selling author, and a passionate entrepreneur on a mission to help young adults with disabilities achieve their goals while also educating others about the deaf community.

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Meet Karli
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Karli

Hi! I am Karli. I was born Deaf and my parents had no idea until I was 2 years old. I am an educational assistant at my local deaf school. I play roller derby and my roller derby name is Deaf Metal haha.

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Meet Shelby.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Shelby.

The community I have created on my Instagram, the connections I’ve made, and the community I am in through For The Deaf Girl never would have happened if I didn’t go through what I did.

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Meet Sarah.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Sarah.

I have come to accept and embrace my hearing loss, but I am also more than my diagnosis. I am a writer, a friend, a survivor, a farmer, a creative person, a member of the LGBTQ community.

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Dear Gianna, An Open Letter.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Dear Gianna, An Open Letter.

Having to navigate something so big at an age so young was difficult, and I am so proud of you. You have opened people’s eyes to the world of hearing loss, and shown persistence through everything.

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Meet Mia.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Mia.

I am profoundly deaf and wear a cochlear implant on my right ear. I am excited to share my journey with you.

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Meet Kimberly.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet Kimberly.

Most days I’m just your average 31-year-old SAHM… I’m in the midst of navigating being newly DHH as well as a few other medical diagnoses but most days I would say I’m just happy to be here.

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Meet April.
Ryien Blackwood Ryien Blackwood

Meet April.

In 2016 I was diagnosed with Otosclerosis…. I’m now on a mission to spread awareness, create conversations, and end the stigma surrounding hearing loss and hearing aids.

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